Robot Uprising

Dobby: Bumper Stuck

Dobby: Bumper Stuck

Bruce Ediger

My pet Roomba, Dobby, got a thread wrapped around his constantly rotating whisk brush. Soon after that, a carpet loop got wrapped in there, too.

Roombas as Pets

Roombas as Pets

Bruce Ediger

I’m a bit offended that iRobot doesn’t make an effort to get my Roomba’s gender correct.

Dobby's First Birthday!

Dobby's First Birthday!

Bruce Ediger

I got my pet Roomba, Dobby, almost a year ago!

Dobby’s maker, iRobot, was considerate enough to remind me to treat him to new parts!

My Pet Dobby

My Pet Dobby

Bruce Ediger

I got a Roomba robovac a few months ago, partly because I hate vacuuming, partly because I grew up in the 1960s, when we would have vacations on Mars by 2025, and robot maids and butlers would take care of us.

New Pet

Bruce Ediger

The Ediger family has a new pet!

I’d like every one to welcome…