life experiences

Butterfly With Snow

Butterfly With Snow

Bruce Ediger

It snowed at my place the night of October 29, 2023. The next day I saw the most Colorado thing possible.

Halloween Memories!

Bruce Ediger

Back when my kids were still young and innocent enough to want to go trick-or-treating, for a few years we went to some suburban friends cul-de-sac-filled neighborhood.

Gall's Law

Bruce Ediger

I ran across an engineering aphorism or principle called “Gall’s Law”:

A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that worked. The inverse proposition also appears to be true: A complex system designed from scratch never works and cannot be made to work. You have to start over, beginning with a working simple system.

Parking Lot 204

Parking Lot 204

Bruce Ediger

Google notified me that 1,000 cellphones have viewed my review of a parking lot!



Bruce Ediger

I took this picture on Drake Ave in Fort Collins. I was afraid to try to decipher the runes for fear of finding out there were some god damn neo-nazis in my neighborhood.

Ancient Fortunes

Ancient Fortunes

Bruce Ediger

I found a piece of an old wallet while I was cleaning up my home office. It had some baby pictures of my son, who is now 22. It also had some fortune cookie fortunes.