
Parking Lot 204

Parking Lot 204

Bruce Ediger

Google notified me that 1,000 cellphones have viewed my review of a parking lot!

My Infinite Website

My Infinite Website

Bruce Ediger

I have a grudge against spammers, SEO, and similar low-lifes. When and where I run Internet-facing web servers, I send “SEO search engines” down an infinite rabbit hole of web pages and images.

10 lessons from Napoleon about 10 lessons from Napoleon

Bruce Ediger

I keep noticing articles or posts with titles like “N lessons from Napoleon on X”, where N is usually 10, and X has values of “productivity”, “life”, “career”, “management”, vague things like that.

I was so inspired by seeing these valuable lessons, that I wrote Career and life lessons from meatloaf as an homage.

Here’s 10 “Lessons from Napoleon” posts to prove that taking lessons from meatloaf isn’t all that odd.

Real Life Cyberpunk

Real Life Cyberpunk

Bruce Ediger

Is cyberpunk 25-year olds with brain implants, standing on a downtown streetcorner in the rain, trenchcoat pulled close against the chill, smoking a nootropic cigarette?