The Hobbit

I read JRR Tolkien’s The Hobbit for the first time since at least Junior High, or maybe even before.

The Hobbit book cover

I really enjoyed reading The Hobbit. The writing is just so darn charming, and filled with antique sentences patterns:

Their faces were grim and their caps were of iron, and they were shod in iron.

Iron shoes? Their feet have got to ache. Tolkien’s also good at making you think he described something, when he really didn’t.

The story does have some flaws. Individual dwarves are not terrible distinguishable, except maybe Thorin and Bombur. Sure, Oin and Gloin are good with the tinderbox, and Kili and Fili have blond beards, but so what? The dwarves would probably all be crypto bros now, Thorin especially. I’m not basing this on any specific characteristics, obviously, but more going on vibes.